Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Things That Make The Heart Beat Faster:Day 5

I adore these boys. I adore hanging out with them, listening to their discoveries ("we found duck eggs when we were at Uncle Dan's!"), laughing at their jokes ("it's called a dwarf planet because it's short and has a white beard- get it?"), hearing their confidences, everything that involves being their Mama. That's not to say it's always a walk in the park, but the walks in the park, or even the hanging-out-on-a-blanket-in-our-not-quite-a-park-backyard like the past few afternoons make any hardship and frustration more than completely bearable. It's such a privilege and a joy to share in their little lives, to get to know each unique boy and what makes him tick (and maybe more importantly, explode!) and to help guide and foster their interests, their passions and their character, all the while holding them in my heart as delicately as one would a butterfly. I love how my sister-n-law phrases it with her own wee ones "you are not mine, but the Lord's so seek to honor him in all that you do"...I feel that best sums up my parenting approach- attempting to honor God in how Ryan and I raise them and above all being so thankful for the simple joy of days like this.


  1. great, now I'm crying. or maybe something more akin to bawling.
    I miss those boys, and that amazing Mama and Papa of theirs.
    you have a great privilege indeed.

  2. I love your boys. Their spirit, their uniqueness, their sense of fun. It comes from having a great mama and papa.
